
Terrestrial Observatories and their role in meteorite detection

Terrestrial Observatories and their Role in Meteorite Detection: A Global Overview and the Importanc...


Australites are a type of tektite, which is a natural glass formed when a meteorite hits the Earth's...

Martian meteorites

Martian meteorites - visitors from a nearby planet. There is a group of meteorites whose charac...

Meteorite injury

Meteorite injury - a danger from the heavens? Perhaps the most commonly reported impact-related...

Chelyabinsk meteorite

Chelyabinsk meteorite - the most famous meteorite impact in decades. A spectacular example of a...


Micrometeorites - Space dust all around us. Our planet is bombarded not only by meteorites visi...

Ancient Egypt and meteorites

Ancient Egypt and meteorites.   We are 5000 years back in time in ancient Egypt. A time wh...

Hoba meteorite

Hoba - 60 tons of iron.  In 1920, a landowner in Namibia made an accidental discovery while cul...

Allan Hills 84001

Allan Hills 84001 - Ark of Life from Mars?  It is 1984 and a team of meteorite hunters (ANSMET ...

Loket meteorite (Elbogen)

The Elbogen (also the Loket) meteorite is one of the oldest meteorites in the world whose fall has b...

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